Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Hand Vs. The Machine

I feel that true craft is about the ability of the hand to create ideas of the mind. Why do u think that this type of craft has been replaced by machines? This action didn't happen overnight. It has been fading long before technology really existed. Why is this?

1 comment:

  1. Handcrafted items have been replaced by machines because of the lack of demand for them as well as time. Handcrafted products are extremely expensive because of the time spent making the object. Handcrafted items faded because of a sudden shift in interest. Artists began to be more popular. Instead of spending money for a craftsman to carve or make a special item, people began to pay artists to draw and paint them. No longer were handcrafted items symbols of prosperity and wealth, self portraits and sculptures began to symbolize wealth. Over the years, crafts of the hand have become lost, and I think that the main reason for this would be the Renaissance era.
